Implants are high-tech artificial tooth roots made of precious materials such as titanium, which are tissue-friendly and placed in the jawbone to restore the function and aesthetics of missing teeth.
Implant Treatment
Get high-tech artificial teeth instead of your missing teeth with Implant Treatment.
With Implant Treatment, you will have new teeth with superior technology instead of your missing teeth.
Today, it is the first of the undisputed systems that provide the best alternative solution to natural teeth. Implant systems that can imitate teeth in terms of function, aesthetics and anatomy have become frequently used.
Implant options
Implant systems have become indispensable elements in gaining aesthetics together with strength in both single tooth deficiencies and excessive tooth losses. Their greatest aesthetic advantage is that they are the best alternative solution to the use of removable prostheses, which occur especially in the loss of the last teeth in the posterior region and which cannot be made with small, easy-to-use prostheses such as bridges and which involve larger palates.
It is the necessity of using palatal prosthesis that has become the fearful dream of many of us. Having to worry that these large-volume removable prostheses may come out of the mouth while talking, the unaesthetic appearance of the connection metals while smiling, the necessity to avoid negative experiences that may be encountered in dinner invitations cause loss of communication and self-confidence. In the 21st century, implant systems, which are of great importance in dentistry research, now give us the chance to get rid of removable palate prostheses.
Titanium based implants
Almost all dental implants used today are titanium-based. Titanium is reactive in nature. Since it easily adapts to the material it is used with, the inflammatory or allergic reactions that the body normally develops against foreign substances do not occur with titanium.
As the most tissue-friendly material known, titanium is used in the construction of all metal-based structures implanted in the body in modern medicine. Titanium based implants
Implant application areas
Anyone who wants to remove missing teeth in their mouth and who meets certain criteria can be implanted. One of these criteria is the condition of the bone in the area where the missing tooth or teeth are located. There must be sufficient bone height in this area for the implant to settle and hold firmly and healthily. In addition, the patient should have good oral care, no gingival problems and no disease that will negatively affect healing. There is no upper age limit for dental implant applications. The lower limit is the years of growth and development.
The most important criterion for implant applications is the presence of sufficient quantity and quality of bone tissue in the area where the implant is planned to be placed. In addition, some anatomical formations should not be in a position to prevent implant placement. (You can get detailed information from your doctor about regenerative and reconstructive, advanced implantology techniques applied to make the area suitable for implant placement).
Advantages of implantology
Dental implantology, whose first applications date back about 30 years, is a method that has proven its reliability with 95% success when the correct planning, perfect sterilization and surgical technique are combined with perfect prosthetic application.
We can list its advantages as follows:
Damage to the teeth caused by the reduction of neighboring teeth in classical bridge prostheses is prevented in implant applications.
Individuals who have lost the chance to have a fixed prosthesis and are condemned to removable prosthesis can have fixed teeth thanks to implant applications.
In cases of upper jaw total edentulism, thanks to the support of the total prosthesis (palate) with implants, healthier prosthesis applications can be made that do not cover the palate completely and therefore do not cause nausea and taste loss.
The prostheses of individuals whose prostheses move excessively in their mouths due to the silicified jawbone and therefore cannot function comfortably or even speak can be stabilized by making them implant-supported.
The resorption (melting) of the jaw bones following tooth extraction is significantly prevented after implant applications.
With prostheses that can function well and achieve much more aesthetic results, individuals can eat whatever they want, laugh freely, laugh, kiss, and with their regained self-confidence, they can enjoy their social lives, which they may have neglected.
Disadvantages of implants
In dental implant applications, a period of 6-12 weeks is needed between the initial and final period. In cases where regenerative and reconstructive techniques are required, this period can be doubled. (In the light of the findings obtained in recent years, it has been understood that in some special cases, the prosthetic structure can be placed on the same day after the implant is placed. You can get more detailed information from your dentist about this concept called ‘immediatric loading’).
Dental implant applications are more expensive than conventional denture applications. A significant portion of the price paid when purchasing an implant is spent on intensive studies on this subject all over the world. Although implant brands that have not been researched much and have not questioned the flawlessness of the system are cheaper, their reliability is not complete.
Stages of implant application
The first stage of dental implant application is the placement of the implant in the jawbone. It takes 6-12 weeks for the implant, which is left completely under the gum, to fuse with the bone (osteointegration). After the completion of this period, in the second stage, with a very small intervention, a 3-4 mm diameter flap is opened in the gum covering the implant and small metal supports that will support the artificial teeth are placed on the implant. After 1-2 weeks for the gum to take shape, impressions can be taken and routine prosthesis procedures can be started.
Implant operation-pain relationship
Dental implants are placed using local anesthesia, which takes an average of 20 minutes per implant, and the patient is not put to sleep. For this purpose, the same amount of local anesthetic used for a simple filling of any tooth in the area is applied.
After the implant operation…
The implant operation has almost the same effect on the tissues as a simple tooth extraction. In order to protect the implant from excessive load, it may be necessary to eat softer foods and liquid foods for a few days. Your dentist will make the necessary warnings about this.